Royal Oak Car Owners Ask: Why Do I Need to Change My Serpentine Belt?
November 26, 2017
Any Royal Oak driver who understands preventive maintenance knows that if it ain't broke, don't fix it is bad auto advice. Replacing a part before it breaks is much less costly for Royal Oak residents than repairing the engine damage that comes after a part breaks or fails. A good example of this... More

All Lined Up: Wheel Alignment Service at Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak
November 19, 2017
When all of your vehicle's wheels are lined up exactly with each other, your wheels are in alignment. Hitting a road hazard or even just the normal bumps and bounces of everyday driving in Royal Oak can cause your vehicle's wheels to be out of alignment.Driving for an extended time around Royal ... More

Check Engine Light Diagnosis at Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak
November 13, 2017
Hello Royal Oak . Have you ever had your Check Engine light come on? Did you panic? Or just scowl and ignore it? What should you do? Pull to the side of the road and call a tow truck? Or just keep driving? What does that little light really mean for Royal Oak drivers?First of all, the Check Engi... More

Royal Oak, Michigan Winter Prep Service for Your Auto
November 8, 2017
When winter approaches in Michigan, Royal Oak residents break out the sweaters, coats, boots and mittens. We want to be ready for Michigan winter conditions. Your vehicle needs to be ready for winter as well. The last thing Royal Oak residents want is to get stranded out in the cold. You need you... More