Commitment to Make Your vehicle Last at Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak
June 30, 2022
These days many people in the Royal Oak area are really committed to making their cars last a long time. First thing: you've got to start with what you've got. It'd be ideal if people started with a brand new car, never missed a scheduled service item, paid attention to the severe service mainte... More

Battery Basics for Royal Oak
June 29, 2022
It's important for Royal Oak drivers to know battery basics. First, let's talk about which is harder on a battery hot or cold Michigan weather. Most Royal Oak area drivers think it's cold weather because that's when we call on our batteries to have enough power to start a cold vehicle engine. H... More

Make Your Vehicle Last
June 28, 2022
We live in such a disposable society. It's amazing all the stuff we throw away. New stuff comes out so fast, we just toss the old and move on. In the old days, Michigan folks were real sticklers about taking care of their things. If something got lost or ruined by neglect, tough - they had to do ... More

Coolant/Antifreeze Service in Royal Oak, Michigan
June 27, 2022
Royal Oak auto owners may know that most automotive failures in Royal Oak, Michigan, are tire related, but do you know the second most common cause of vehicle failure? Nope, it's not teenagers. It is the coolant system. But if you take good care of your vehicle coolant system, it will take good ... More

Treat Your Vehicle to Good Tires at Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak
June 26, 2022
When we shop for shoes, most of us know that we can get two pairs of cheap shoes or one good pair for about the same price. And since the two cheap pairs wear out in about the same time as the good pair, there really is no difference in cost. If you like having a closet full of shoes to match yo... More

Michigan: What Is the Risk of High Oil Change Intervals?
June 26, 2022
Michigan residents may have heard that vehicles don't need their oil changed as often as they used to. That's true. But it's not the whole story.Owing to improved engine technology and higher oil quality, most newer vehicles can go longer between oil changes than their older counterparts.So what ... More

The Byte Stuff (Your Vehicle's Computers)
June 19, 2022
Nobody has to tell you that computers are a part of so many things in our lives. Smartphones, kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, televisions. You name itit has a computer in it. And your vehicle is no exception. The earliest cars relied on the technology of their time, and there was no such ... More

Maintenance on My Mind
June 12, 2022
Ask any Royal Oak man or woman if they've taken their vehicle in for preventive maintenance lately, and the answer may well be no. Surveys indicate that over 80% of vehicles on the road today are in need of some kind of repair or maintenance. Now, ask that same person why he hasn't taken his car ... More

Fall and Spring Checkup in Royal Oak
June 5, 2022
When I was a kid, my dad always made sure he took the cars in for Spring and Fall checkups. I was telling a friend that it's about time to get into Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak for a checkup and he said that he read on the internet that modern cars don't need seasonal service.My friend is (tech... More